Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sea Shipment Arrives

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Some of the boxes
Piles left after emptying the boxes
The movers arrived bright and early.  I walked the kids to school and came back to boxes in the apartment.  It took them about 2 hours to bring up the boxes.  One of the movers put together our bikes and put our golf clubs, skateboards, and other outdoor toys in our storage area.  The other mover brought up the boxes and helped unpack.  They took all the empty boxes/garbage away with them.  I was very glad.  I just forgot to have them take away the ones I had in storage from the air shipment.  Oh well.  The kids were bummed that they had to go to school because they wanted to stay home and help.  Unpacking the boxes kind of feels like Christmas.  You forget what you decided to bring in the first place.

Thankfully we have a room for our crafts.
I realized after unpacking the boxes that most of it was Sydney and my craft stuff.  We will be very busy.  I actually can't wait to get started.  It will take a little while to organize it, but I am just glad it is here.  Adam was excited to get his clothes.  He had packed only a suitcase full and is ready for some other shirts since he has been wearing the same ones for 2 months.  He is such a good sport!! 
Adam's shirts and other clothes
We are going to get out our bikes this weekend.  The bike path is right across the street from us.  We are also going to play golf.  The golf course is also right across the street from us.  It makes things very easy. 

It only took 9 weeks and 3 days to get the sea shipment.  I wonder how long it will take on the trip home.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Minnamurra Rainforest

Sunday, August, 26, 2012

Sydney and Dagan on one of the swinging bridges.

another lyrebird
After having a nice day at the beach yesterday, we decided to do some exploring today.  I had read about the Jamberoo market, so we headed there first.  It was a dud.  There were only a couple of tents with junky stuff.  The farmer's market in Wollongong is much nicer,  so we headed to the Minnamurra Rainforest.  It was a neat place to see.  There was a rivulet flowing through it that we crossed on swinging bridges, lots of different types of trees/plants, and some unusual birds.  They are called lyrebirds.  They are large with long tails.  They were walking in the woods and scratching the ground.  Sydney had a learned from a friend that they like to mimic sounds.  At one point, Dagan was making a "bird" noise, and a real bird was making a similar sound.  The walking path was moderate with gradual inclines.  The path out to the falls was really steep.  We felt it as much going up as we did going down.  Each of us commented at some point on this path that the falls better be worth it.  They ended up being pretty, but not as spectacular as Fiztroy Falls. 
Sydney's new headband.
Dagan is the king of the rock.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Tap Dogs

Friday, August 24, 2012

Tonight we went to see Tap Dogs at WIN Entertainment Centre which is a 5 minute walk from our apartment.  Part of the summary of the show said, "Combining high-energy dance, theatrical performance and live music, TAP DOGS is a show not to be missed!"  I thought it would be fun to do something different.  Adam is getting back from the states tomorrow, so it was just the kids and me going.  It was a fun show.  We liked seeing just their feet in the beginning.  They had a curtain covering their bodies.  The way they worked in unison was neat.  The kids also like the one guy who danced a variety of dances while tapping.   He shuffled,  moonwalked, pretended to ride a horse, and did the move from Stayin Alive.   He added humor to the show.  The basketball scene was one of our favorites.  They were dribbling with one hand and passing the ball while dancing.  It was impressive.  Near the end of the show, they tap danced in water.  The kids wished we had been in the front row, so we could have gotten wet.  I'll have to find a few other shows to see because it was so easy to walk there.  It was nice to not have to worry about parking or a long drive home. 
It is a smaller place.  I don't think we could have had a bad seat.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hangdog Climbing Gym

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sydney watching her friends climb.

Sydney working her way up the wall.

Dagan climbing the ladder.
Sydney had gotten invited to her first birthday party today.  It was at Hangdog Climbing Gym.  I decided to take her to the party, so I could meet her friends and the parents.  Dagan wanted to rock climb, too.  It is a nice gym.  They don't have auto belays like back home, but they have it set up so you don't have to tie the knots.  The ropes are attached to carabiners, and you just attached them to your climbing belt.  Then the person on the ground worked the rope.  Sydney thought this was fun because it allowed her to practice belaying and participate more when her friends were climbing.  Dagan isn't old enough to belay, so he climbed while I belayed for him.  Dagan and I lasted 2 1/2 hours.  Sydney lasted a little longer and ended up going out for cake with the group afterwards.  It was a nice way to spend the afternoon since Adam left in the morning for meetings in the states.  We will have to go back once Adam returns, so I can give it a try. 

Dagan waiting his turn.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Visit with the Whites

Friday, August 17, 2012- Saturday, August 18-2012

Sarah, Georgia, Sydney, Sophie, Lucy, & Dagan
We went to visit the White's today.  We met them at Rod's mom and dad's home.  It was nice to see everyone again.  We had visited with Rod and Cheryl when they were in the states in October, but hadn't seen the girls in 7 years or Rod's parents in 8+ years.  We also met two of Rod's brothers and their families.  It was fun to see our kids jump right in there with their 4 girls.  When we first moved to Wisconsin, they played together all the time.  It is amazing how grown up they all have gotten.  We had a great evening and morning before we headed for home.  It is great being able to see them while we are here. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Wollongong Science Centre and Planetarium

Sydney conducting electricity with her hands.
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Dagan using hydraulics to move the elephant.

Dagan is using leverage to lift the cinder blocks.

Dagan using centripetal force.
Sydney using centripetal force.
It was a rainy afternoon, so we decided to go to the Wollongong Science Centre and Planetarium next to where Adam works.  It is small, but very interactive.  A lot of the exhibits relate to industrial science.  It was very interesting seeing how the equipment used in mining was put in the museum in a kid friendly way.  We didn't visit the Planetarium today, but went to the liquid nitrogen show.  It was interesting.  We will have to visit again.

Sydney pedaling to make electricity.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Zen Dan Kwan

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Dagan in the forward stance
Sydney in the horse riding stance

 When we asked Dagan what he would like to do when we got to Australia, one of his requests was martial arts.  We visited a few places and decided to join Ken Dan Kwan.  It is a mixture of Taekwondo and Hapkido.  Dagan is absolutely loving it.  He goes just about every day.  Sydney decided she wanted to give it a try, too.  She is having fun, but not quite as much as Dagan.

Sydney's front kick
Dagan's front kick
They are white belts and are working towards earning their next belt.  Dagan is in a group that has to pass 3 tip tests before he can take his belt exam.  Sydney is in a group that has to pass 4 tip tests before she can take her belt exam.  Each passed the first tip test and are working towards their second one.  They were excited to have the black strip added to their belts showing they passed the first test.  They are both hoping to be orange belts by the end of September.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Fitzroy Falls

Sunday, August 5, 2012

We went to the Sugar Cube for breakfast.  We had been there before for the waffles on a stick.  Yes it sounds strange, but they are very tasty.  They have waffle meals, too.  All of us got the regular sized breakfast.  That was a mistake.  They are huge.  We needed junior meals.  Adam was the only one to finish because he got a regular waffle with syrup.  The kids and I got ice cream, strawberries and white chocolate with our waffles.  It was really good, but we needed a little more waffle and a lot less sugar!  I think the waffles on the stick will be our favorite. 

Fitzroy Falls

Sydney and Dagan at one of the lookouts

Adam and I with the falls way behind us

Fitzroy Falls and two others from Twin Falls lookout point

Dagan and I under a rock face
Sydney and Adam by a creek
We decided to go bushwalking (hiking) today after our big breakfast.  We needed to burn off all that sugar.  We went up the mountains to Fitzroy Falls.  It was really pretty.  They are in Morton National Forest.  The escarpment is very steep.  The falls drop 80 meters to the floor of the valley below.  We walked to all the lookout points and saw a few more smaller waterfalls along the way.  It was a nice afternoon.