Friday, June 29, 2012

First Days in Australia

We arrived in Australia on Friday, June 29.  It was strange for the kids to realize that we left Hawaii on Thursday, June 28 and ten hours later it was Friday, June 29 in the evening.  We didn't see much on our drive from the Sydney airport to Wollongong because it gets dark around 5:00 pm since it is winter.  We checked into our hotel, got some dinner and went to bed.

On Saturday, we were able to sign the paperwork for our apartment.  All of us agreed that we would rather stay where we were going to live, so we headed to the store for sheets, blankets, pillows and towels.  Our apartment came furnished which was nice.  We are still going to rent some furniture because we are missing things like bookcases, desks, a king sized bed, outdoor furniture, etc.  It was nice to put the things from our suitcases away. I think we will like living here once we get used to being in an apartment.

Our Kitchen
The view from our living room

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