Friday, May 31, 2013

Dagan's Jump Rope for Heart Day

 Friday, May 31, 2013
Look at those skills!

Dagan loves getting his picture taken.
Yeah!  He smiled!
Today was the jump off for Dagan's school for Jump Rope for Heart.  We went to the assembly at the end of the day.  Each class performed their jump roping skills for the school to a song of their teacher's choice.  They had been practicing their skipping all month and wanted to celebrate as a whole school.  For the last act, the teachers came out to perform.  The kids really liked this part.  Adam and I are always amazed at the music that is played at school.  We like the songs, but don't think they would be allowed to be played back home.
The teacher's act - the male teacher was Dagan's teacher last year

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