Monday, July 16, 2012

Our Air Shipment Arrives

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sydney's room
Dagan's Room/Music Room
 We had a super busy day.  The rental furniture, air shipment, and phone service arrived today along with registering for school.  Dagan and I left Sydney and Adam at home to deal with deliveries and headed to his school.  Unfortunately, the office was closed, so we will have to try again tomorrow.  By the time we got back, the air shipment had been delivered which was around 16 boxes.  The rental furniture had arrived, too.  They did a really good job picking things out.  We even got a keyboard, so the kids can continue taking piano lessons.  The kids are enjoying it.  I love the outdoor furniture.  We will be out there a lot.  All of us agree that the apartment is feeling more like home now that we have some of our stuff.  The quilts on our beds help immensely.  Hopefully by Friday, I will get all the boxes unpacked and everything put away.  It only took 3 weeks for the air shipment to arrive. 

Adam's and my room - Don't you love the wallpaper?

Part of the modular unit on our balcony.  It will be a great place to read when it warms up a little.

Sydney and I were able to go to her school today.  The visit went well.  They gave us a tour.  Sydney is a little concerned that she will get lost because the school is like a maze.  It is really old and has been added onto quite a bit.  Time will tell.

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