Friday, September 28, 2012

First Belt Exam

Friday, September 28, 2012

Look at Dagan's good push up position.
The kids had their first belt exam today.  This morning they cleaned up their rooms and made their beds to be prepared when Master Walker asked them about this.  We went to last month's belt exams to see how they were run.  Dagan went first.  He did really well.  He was confident and did everything he needed to do.  We were glad he spoke loudly and clearly during the oral part. 
Dagan sparring.

Dagan with the other Dragons that passed the exam.

Sydney demonstrating her punches.

Sydney receiving her certificate.
Sydney is in the high school group that works with the adults.  She did well, too.  She was asked at the end by Master Walker if it was really hard, and she said a little.  Both were nervous, but worked together to be prepared.  They reviewed their moves, the white pattern, and oral material.  Adam and I did very little to help them.  We are very proud of their efforts.

Sydney with the other Eagles and adults who passed the exam.

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