Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sydney with Rudd

Rudd, Sydney, Adam, & Dagan
Sunday, April 7, 2013

View from the Royal Botanic Garden
A fig tree
Opera House
We took Rudd into Sydney today.  We were going to ride the train, but the whole train system was shut down for maintenance, so we drove instead.  We parked under the Opera House.  We walked around it to get a variety of views.  Then we headed over to the Royal Botanic Garden.  We ended up jumping from tree to tree because there was a 10 minute rain shower.  Thankfully, the fig trees are big enough to act like an umbrella.  We wandered back to Circular Quay and over to the Rocks.  On the way we stopped to watch a contortionist.  She squeezed herself into a 16 inch box.  It was crazy.  We went to Lowenbrau Keller, our favorite restaurant for some good German food before wandering the markets and heading for home.
She is in the box!

The contortionist is getting in the box.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! My body hurts just looking at her in that tiny box! YIKES! Ok, maybe that is something to work for???
