Thursday, December 6, 2012

Adam's wedding ring

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Adam said I needed to blog this, so we wouldn't forget.  I don't think that will happen. 

Adam, Dagan, and I were sitting outside on our balcony.  Adam was using his hands while he was talking.  Mid sentence he jumps up and asks Dagan and I if we saw that.  Neither of us knew what he was talking about.  As he was talking, his wedding ring slid off his finger and flung over the railing of the balcony.  We are 7 stories up.  First, we looked under our furniture in hopes of finding the ring, but no luck, so we headed to the ground floor.  It was like looking for a needle in a haystack.  We took a few small rocks up with us to toss over the side to see where they would land.  A few really bounced, so we went back down to look some more.  We decided to quit our search and to call the management company on Monday because there is one open balcony beneath us.

View over the side of our balcony.
Adam's ring after the fall.
Monday evening, we got a call on our intercom system.  It was our neighbor who said she had something of ours.  Adam went to meet her and came back with his ring.  She actually found it on her balcony.  Needless to say, we are both rather excited.  It will have to be fixed, but we have it.  It is nice to know that we have another nice neighbor.

1 comment:

  1. I guess it is good you won't have to worry about jewelry shopping when you are home! Although new one for Adam, new one for Kristin??? So glad you found it! Looking forward to seeing you all!!
