Thursday, December 13, 2012


 Thursday, December 13, 2012

We are actually at Disneyland!

Family photo with Adam's phone.

Their late for an important date!
We let the kids guess where we were going today at dinner last night. Dagan made the right guess. We were parked and headed into the park by 9:30am.  Dagan was especially excited. It ended up being a great day to be at the park. It was overcast, but it didn't rain which I think helped keep the lines pretty short. Our longest wait was for Peter Pan.

I had to remind Sydney that she loved a few Princesses.

Look at their muscles!
My Mad Hatter
We went on all the rides the kids wanted to go on. A few attractions were closed, but that didn't effect us at all. We had dinner at the Blue Bayou which is located inside the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.  It had good food, and it was nice to be able to sit down for a while. We did see the Christmas parade.   I saved seats while Adam and the kids went in the Small World ride. They knew why I volunteered to wait after they went on it.  Sydney says she will never go on that ride again.  Her face made me laugh when she got back. Our favorite rides were Star Wars, Space Mountain, Big Matterhorn, Big Thunder, the Haunted Mansion, and Indiana Jones. We were going to stay for the fireworks, but we were finished by 8:00 pm. We were back in the hotel and asleep by 9:30pm.  Adam was surprised that we stayed awake for as long as we did. Both kids said this was a great reason to stop over in California.  Dagan wants to know when we will go again.
Santa in the Christmas Parade

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