Saturday, February 23, 2013

Tan Dun's Martial Arts Trilogy at the Sydney Opera House

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Queen Victoria cruise ship is in the background.
A view of the bridge from the balcony of the Opera House

We had a fun, busy day.  Sydney had volleyball practice this morning at the Olympic Park.  Dagan went back to the skate park.  Then we went into Sydney.  We spent the afternoon in The Rocks.  It was a rainy day, but we found enough to keep us entertained.

View of the tiles on the Opera House

Inside the Concert Hall
In the lobby at intermission
In the evening, we went to see Tan Dun's Martial Arts Trilogy at the Sydney Opera House.  The symphony played three concertos from three different martial arts movies.  Scenes from the movies were shown on the big screen as they were playing.  The music was from Hero, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and the Banquet.  For the Hero concerto, there was a violin soloist that played on the 1715 Stradivarius know as the "Ex-Pierre Rode" and the "Duke of Cambridge."  Also, a guqin was played during this piece.  It is a traditional Chinese instrument that is a seven-stringed unfretted zither.  It has a very interesting sound.  We liked this piece the best.  At one point, the brass instruments surprised both kids because they were really loud after the violin playing very softly.

During intermission with the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the background.
After the intermission, the symphony played a piece from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.  The soloist for this piece played a erhu which is a two-stringed bowed fiddle.  It sat on the soloist's lap.  It also had a very interesting sound.  The last piece was from The Banquet and the soloist played the piano.  His hands moved really fast over the keys.  It was fun to watch.

The inside of the Concert Hall is really amazing.  I am glad we were able to hear a concert here.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sydney Olympic Park

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sydney warming up for the tryout.
Sydney's tryouts were in the Olympic Park.
Sydney decided she wanted to try out for the New South Wales state volleyball team.  Her coach from St. Mary's thought she would have a good chance.  The tryouts were held in the sports halls of the Sydney Olympic Park.  It is a really big place.  She is trying out for the U15 team.  They practice a handful of times, and then participate in the 4 day state tournament during the school holidays.

Monster skate park
He started on the smaller ramps.
He is already to go.
Dagan wasn't very excited to go until he saw what was right in front of the sports halls.  It was a huge skate park.  Most of the kids were riding on scooters.  We were able to hire a scooter and helmet for him.  He was in heaven.  He went up and down ramps while Sydney played volleyball.  He hopes Sydney makes the team, so we can come back again.  He figures it won't be a problem for her because he feels that she makes everything she tries out for.  What a great brother!
Dagan's on the far ramp.    

 Yeah! Sydney made the team.  We only had to wait a couple of days to find out.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Bombo Headlands

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A view of the rock formations
Sydney looking at the ocean.
Dagan and Sydney on one formation.
We decided we needed to get out of the apartment for a little while today, so we headed down to the Bombo Headlands near Kiama.  Last time we were here we were with my parents, and it was pouring.  Today was a beautiful, sunny day.  The path to the rock formations isn't very pretty, but the rocks are really cool.  The kids had fun climbing all over them.  Sydney said some of them were really hot to the touch.  The water was a wonderful torquoise.  Sydney would love that color in her room.  As Adam and I were watching the kids, the water was spraying over the rocks.  The water made a different sound every time the waves were large.  Dagan needed to collect some soil and rocks for school.  He found quite a few good rocks on the walk back to the car along with the soil.  It was the perfect place to collect both. 

They are working there way around the slick rocks.
They made it to the top.
Dagan looking over the side.

Adam and Sydney looking at the ocean.

Dagan collecting his soil for school.
After our walk, we took Sydney out for lunch at 3 Amigos.  It is a pretty good Mexican restaurant in Wollongong.  We like to go out as a family for our birthdays.  I still can't believe she is 13.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Sydney's 13th Birthday

Sydney's a teenager! Yikes!
Friday, February 8, 2013

Splashing in the waves

Sydney and her friends

It was tricky counting all their heads in the waves.
Dagan sliding down the sand dune.
Sydney sliding down the sand dune.
It was Sydney's 13th birthday today.  She had some of her friends over after school.  They dropped off their bags with Adam and Dagan, and then we walked home.  Sydney wanted to spend her birthday at the beach.  She has always wanted a swimming party, but that hasn't worked since her birthday is in the winter in the USA.  Here, she has a summer birthday.  The girls and Dagan played in the ocean and "sledded" down the sand dunes.  We had dinner when we got home.  Sydney wanted Chicko's.  We also got her cake from there.  We ended up with the large one.  We will be eating it for days.  They had fun listening to our music videos and playing games for the rest of the evening.  They are a nice group of girls.
Having cake in between playing games
February in Australia

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wollongong Public School Swim Carnival

 Thursday, February 7, 2013

Getting ready to swim

Dagan having fun with his friends.

In the starting position for the backstoke
Dagan is swimming free style.
Dagan participated in the swim carnival at his school. Adam and I went to watch him. He had signed up to swim 50 meter freestyle, 50 meter backstroke, and 100 meter freestyle. Adam and I were surprised he signed up for the 100 meter, but thought go for it.  He did well with both the 50 meter races. He said it was a really long way. He decided to withdraw himself from the 100 meter race.  We couldn't blame him.  We were proud of him for signing up for the carnival.  He has never been in any type of swim meet before.  It is still a little strange to us that these types of events are held during the school day. 
This picture shows half of the pool.  Dagan is swimming the backstroke.