Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wollongong Public School Swim Carnival

 Thursday, February 7, 2013

Getting ready to swim

Dagan having fun with his friends.

In the starting position for the backstoke
Dagan is swimming free style.
Dagan participated in the swim carnival at his school. Adam and I went to watch him. He had signed up to swim 50 meter freestyle, 50 meter backstroke, and 100 meter freestyle. Adam and I were surprised he signed up for the 100 meter, but thought go for it.  He did well with both the 50 meter races. He said it was a really long way. He decided to withdraw himself from the 100 meter race.  We couldn't blame him.  We were proud of him for signing up for the carnival.  He has never been in any type of swim meet before.  It is still a little strange to us that these types of events are held during the school day. 
This picture shows half of the pool.  Dagan is swimming the backstroke.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Dagan! Guess you will have to get an in-ground pool when you get home! Looks like way too long of a swim for me! I just like to float!
