Friday, February 8, 2013

Sydney's 13th Birthday

Sydney's a teenager! Yikes!
Friday, February 8, 2013

Splashing in the waves

Sydney and her friends

It was tricky counting all their heads in the waves.
Dagan sliding down the sand dune.
Sydney sliding down the sand dune.
It was Sydney's 13th birthday today.  She had some of her friends over after school.  They dropped off their bags with Adam and Dagan, and then we walked home.  Sydney wanted to spend her birthday at the beach.  She has always wanted a swimming party, but that hasn't worked since her birthday is in the winter in the USA.  Here, she has a summer birthday.  The girls and Dagan played in the ocean and "sledded" down the sand dunes.  We had dinner when we got home.  Sydney wanted Chicko's.  We also got her cake from there.  We ended up with the large one.  We will be eating it for days.  They had fun listening to our music videos and playing games for the rest of the evening.  They are a nice group of girls.
Having cake in between playing games
February in Australia

1 comment:

  1. Sydney,
    Happy 13th birthday! I am sorry I'm late in sending my wishes! What an amazing experience to have a "summer" birthday in February! Only possible in a different part of the world! You are such a wonderful young lady. We miss you lots and look forward to seeing you soon! We'll have to have a late teenager party with you and Taylor!
