Friday, March 29, 2013

Freycinet National Park

Adam and Rudd's favorite picture

 Friday, March 29, 2013

Wineglass Bay
We are at the Wineglass Bay Lookout.
Rudd, Dagan, and Sydney on the path above us.
Sydney and I on the hike up the Hazards.
Is the rock going to fall?
Today we decided to go hiking in Freycinet National Park. We stopped at the visitor center and got some recommendations for hikes. We started with the hardest one. We were headed up the Hazards to Wineglass Bay Lookout. The Hazards are part of of the mountains that are very rocky. It was a tough walk up the mountain. It was steep and had lots of steps. The view at the top was wonderful. We were thinking about walking down to the beach, but decided we didn't want to walk back up the mountain again, so we headed down to the car park.
A sea urchin at Honeymoon Bay.
Rudd and Adam
Honeymoon Bay
We went to Honeymoon Bay next. The view of the Hazards was great and the water was a beautiful sea green. There isn't a sand beach, but large slabs of rock going into the water. We had fun climbing all over them.

View from the lighthouse
We went for lunch next. Then we went out to the lighthouse. There was a walkway surrounding it. We could see part of Wineglass Bay from here. We also could hear the seals out on a group of rocks. As we were heading back, we made our last stop at Sleeping Beach. More rocks and places to climb. Some of the rocks have a reddish color that is really vivid. It was a beautiful place to be for the day.

Sydney exploring.
Dagan loved the rocks!

Rudd and Dagan are on the rocks.

Adam's great ice cream cone

We went back to our cabin. We stopped for some ice cream on the way. The man made a fresh mixture of vanilla and fresh fruit for each of us. Adam's and mine were very lopsided, but all of them tasted good.
View from our cabin

The kids went swimming after dinner. Rudd ended up swimming once Adam pushed him in even though Sydney said he thought the water was cold.

We will be ready for another fun day tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! The water in Wineglass Bay is so blue! Your pictures are amazing and I'm so glad that you are taking us with you on your travels!
