Thursday, March 28, 2013

First day in Tasmania

Wednesday, March 28, 2013

Off I go down the ramp and into the air.

Sydney zooming passed Adam.

Sydney on her second try.

We left really early for Tasmania. We landed in Launceston, Tasmania at 9:15 am. We got our car and headed out. 

I am going for my second turn.

Can't you tell Sydney loved the hang gliding?
Sydney and I wanted to try cable hang gliding. We tried to convince Dagan to go, but he just wouldn't do it. It wasn't crowded, so we got to go two times. It was lots of fun. Both of us think trying it for real would be great.
View from a lookout on the way to Bicheno.
Afterwards, we went out for lunch before heading towards Bicheno where we will be staying for a few days. Online it had stated that it would take 3 hours to get there. It ended up taking longer than that because going through the mountains on curvy roads is rather slow.  Rudd did get to see his first echidna.

We got some groceries, had dinner, and then went out on our penguin tour. We went out at 7:30pm. We saw blue penguins or fairy penguins. They are the smallest penguins. They came on shore to molt in their nests.   It was interesting to see them. We probably saw about 2 dozen. If we had come a month or two ago, we could have seen 100.  Even though we didn't see lots of penguins, I'm glad we went.

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