Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Fitzroy Falls

Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Gabbie, Dale, Adam, & Kristin

Fitzroy Falls
This is the kids favorite part.
Today, the kids thought Dale and Gabbie should go up Macquarie Pass.  We curved our way up the mountain and stopped at the top at Robertson's, so Dagan could get a meat pie.  These are his favorite.  We stopped at the Cheese Factory before heading on to Fitzroy Falls.  The falls were great today.  With all the rain we've had there was a ton of water flowing.  Ftizroy was larger than we had ever seen, and there were quite a few more waterfalls that we could see along the path.  It was neat to see.  We walked on the path to the lookout that shows Fitzroy Falls from the opposite side.  After our bushwalk, we went into Kangaroo Valley.  We had some lunch, and then drove up and down the mountain again on our way back to Wollongong.
Adam & Dale with 2 watefalls behind them.

The six of us with the falls behind us.

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