Saturday, July 6, 2013


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Adam, Sydney & Dale walking on the rocks.
Dagan looking for rocks for his collection.
Dagan found this rock that moved.
Adam had to try it out.
Dale & Gabbie
Dale and Gabbie arrived yesterday.  We let them have a pretty quiet day.  Today, we decided to head to Kiama.  We went to the blowhole first.  Unfortunately, the water was really calm, so the water didn't shoot out of the blowhole.  We went out on the rocks instead.  We always love the view from the rocks.  The water was a beautiful blue.  We wandered around town for a little while before going to Bombo Headlands.  Dagan gave us a good scare here.  Sydney and he climbed around the water to get to the top of the pile.  On the way back, the water had splashed up where they were going to walk.  As Dagan was trying to get around the wet rocks, he slipped and slid 10 feet towards the water.  Thankfully, he caught himself.  Otherwise, he would have fallen into the deep water where the waves were crashing into the rocks.  It was scary.  In the end, he didn't even get a bruise.   He just had to add a little excitement to our day.
Sydney & Dagan at the top of the rocks.
Below by the water is wear he slipped.

They were watching the fishermen below us.

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