Monday, October 1, 2012

Mumbulla Creek Falls

Monday, October 1, 2012

We had a great day.  We went out for breakfast at a fun restaurant.  It reminded us of a place Jimmy Buffet would own.  It was very colorful and right on the water.  After breakfast, the kids went out on the jetty to feed the fish. 

We stopped at Central Tilbia as we headed south.  It was a cute town.  We found some really interesting stores.  The kids especially liked the store that sold juggling equipment and other fun stuff.  They had an area on their porch to try all the toys out.  Everything was lots of fun.

This is a good part of the dirt road.
Dagan's first slide
Then we headed further south to find the falls we read about.  They are called Mumbulla Creek Falls, and it said in the information that we could slide down the falls and jump off a rock face into a pool of water.  This sounds right up our alley.  We drove on a paved road for a good 40 minutes.  Then we went on a dirt road for 20km.  It was very rough.  There were deep ruts and rocks, and we were winding our way up and down the mountain.  Where was our 4 wheeled drive truck when we needed it?  Adam had to drive really slow.  Neither one of us wanted to break down out here.  When we finally got to the park, we discovered we were not the only crazy people to go out there in 2 wheel drive vehicles.

Sydney's first slide

One of my slides
Adam's jump.  Compare Adam's height with the the rock face.
We walked out to the falls when we got there to see if we would be safe.  Thankfully, a group was sliding and jumping, so we could see how it was done.  We went back and changed into our swimsuits.  The kids and Adam went first.  Sydney and Dagan went down the rock slide.  Adam jumped off the rock face first.  It was a good 15 feet high.  The kids jumped next.  I tried to jump, but it was just too high for me.  I did go down the rock slide.  The three of them told me the water was cold, but I didn't realize how cold.  It took your breath away.  The kids jumped and slide down the slide multiple times.  This will end up being one of their all time favorite days.
Sydney's first jump
Dagan's first jump

We got to drive again on the horrible dirt road on the way back.  We did try a different route, but the road wasn't much better.  At one point, a kangaroo jumped in front of the car.  We wondered if it is like deer and looked for another one, but he was it.  It took a long time to get to a paved road, but we finally made it.

Enjoy the video that Adam made. 

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