Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mystery Bay/Narooma San Bar

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Montague Island (where we were the other day) is in the background.
Sydney trying to body surf.
Dagan actually going under the water.
After going fishing, we headed to Mystery Bay.  The kids wanted to do some swimming/exploring.  Adam and I took our beach chairs and relaxed as they kids did some exploring along the beach and rocks.  By the tidal pools, they found some black crabs.  Sydney was very excited.   They went swimming with the rocks in the background.  They are getting more adventurous in the water.  They are starting to dive and try to ride the waves. 
Dagan with the frog rock.
 All us went for a walk along the beach.  We found these cool green shells.  I ended up filling my pockets with them.  As we were collecting these, Sydney asked if we could go back to the area by Australia Rock to collect more of those shells.  We headed back there.  Since it was low tide, we didn't have to climb through the rock again.  Thank you!  We found a whole bag full of shells.  Some of them were large and still intact.  Sydney and Dagan are hoping to take some home for their friends.

We went back to the place where the seal was yesterday.  There ended up being 4 on the rocks and two in the water.  We sat on the top rocks and watched them for a while. 

Afterwards, we headed back to the wharf.  A really large stingray came by.  It was in the shallow water for quite some time.  It was eating the scraps.  They are fascinating to watch.

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