Sunday, March 31, 2013

Cradle Mountain Canyoning

Sunday, March 31, 2013

We left Bicheno this morning and headed towards Cradle Mountain. Our canyoning trip was changed due to a rise of water in the river. We were now going on the all day adventure that includes abseiling. We found out after we got there that this trip is a few steps up from the one we were going to go on. It is the Machinery Creek Tour.
Walking down the river into the canyon.

We got suited up before heading out. We wore wetsuits, a wetsuit coat, booties with socks underneath, a harness, and helmets. We then started our walk. It was a good 45 minutes out to the start of the canyon. We walked a path by the road, and then walked in the river.   It is more difficult than it seems. The rocks were jagged and slippery. You really had to pay attention to where you were going.   Plus, the booties were difficult to walk in and the wetsuits were like a sauna.  We were very glad when we got into the cold water.

Rudd in the waterfall.
Sydney in the waterfall
Dagan at the top of the waterfall.
Our first abseil was 18 meters through a waterfall. You walked to the top of the waterfall, sat at the edge with your legs dangling over the side, and then you turned around and were lowered into the waterfall. You couldn't see how high up we were until you were sitting. As you went down, the water gushed over your head which made it difficult to see, but lots of fun. The guides took pictures of us throughout our adventure which was nice.
I am in there somewhere.

Dagan's first jump.
We love his facial expression!
We walked a little ways in the river, and then got to jump into a pool of water. You either were supposed to land on your butt with your feet in front of you or jump like superman and land on your side. Dagan went with the butt jump. The rest of us went with superman. Adam laughed and said it hurt more than he thought it would with all our padding.

My boys cooling off after their jumps.
Don't you love the pose?
Rudd ready to go.
We did another abseil before having lunch out on the rocks. We ended up doing 6 abseils and two jumps. The abseils were in or next to waterfalls. We did have to walk from one abseil to the next.

A look at part of the canyon
More views of the canyon

One of the abseils

Sydney jumping
The rock slide

Dagan jumping
Rudd jumping
We could do a third jump if we wanted to jump from a high position. Sydney, Dagan, and Rudd all did that one.  A couple of places in the river were interesting to get down. The guide had to hold you up.  You stepped on their knee or foot.  When it was Adam and Rudd's turn, they would laugh and say "Now for you two."  They had to go a different route at one point.

Dagan at the top
Sydney halfway down
Rudd waiting at the bottom
Our last abseil was the biggest at 28 meters. Rudd was volunteered to go first because he was able to unhook the carabiner and help everyone at the bottom. Some of the pools of water were over my head.  I like this one the best.  It was a great way to end this part of the adventure.
Adam's ready to go

Look No Hands!

Group photo at the end of the trip
 At this point, we were rather tired. Unfortunately, we had another 30 minute walk out of the canyon along the river.  The rocks seemed to be even more jagged, and the shoes were not helping support or protect our feet, so it was a long 30 minutes. It is difficult to concentrate when you are getting tired. With the slippery rocks, that is exactly what you need to do.

We piled in the car after changing out of our wet clothes, got some dinner, and drove to our hotel in Smithton. It was almost a race to see who could get to bed first.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Our first break at Friendly Beach
We are ready to go!
Can you find Rudd?
I went first through the puddle.
We had a really fun day. In the morning, we headed back to Freycinet National Park. We were going on quad bikes in the park with ALL4Adventure. We were trained on how to use the vehicles and demonstrated our skill before heading out.  Rudd and I rode on regular quads. Adam and the kids road together on a Polaris Ranger. We road out to Friendly Beach. We stopped once along the way to look at a place where people had stayed when working in the tin mine. The beach was really white and the water a beautiful blue. We had morning tea. The kids drank hot chocolate and we had coffee. Sam, our guide, also brought cookies. We got back on the quads for another ride.
Adam, Sydney and Dagan coming out of the puddle.

 There were quite a few puddles on the trails. I went through much slower than Rudd and Adam. Dagan loved when Adam soaked them, and Sydney not so much. After a while, she figured out to bend her head, and the water went over her helmet instead of soaking her sweatshirt.
Dagan having lunch on a rock.
Rudd at lunch

At Bluestone Bay after lunch
View at Bluestone Bay
We rode out to Bluestone Bay. As we came down the hill to the bay, the view was absolutely spectacular. With the cliffs and blue water, it was hard to pay attention to the steep trail. When we got on the beach, Sam told us to find golf ball sized stones that were smooth. Then he showed us how these will bounce. It was the first time we had ever seen a rock bounce and was really fun. We had lunch on the beach.   It was a great spot. After lunch, we rode back to the starting point. We were gone for 4 1/2 hours.  It was so much fun that all of us could do it again!

A mom and baby kangaroo
Fallow Deer

The kids were too nervous to try to feed the ostrich.
Tasmanian Devil

After our great ride, we went to Natureworld. The kids wanted Rudd to feed a kangaroo. It was a nice wildlife park. We saw some unusual pheasants, different parrots than we had seen before, wallabies, Tasmania paddmelon, quolls, fallow deer, an ostrich, emus, Tasmanian devils, kangaroos, bettong, and more.

a colorful pheasant

Tiger snakes

We also watched them move 13 venomous tiger snakes from one enclosure to another. Sydney and I got to touch the tail of one of them. At each wildlife park we have gone to, we have seen different animals found in Australia. It is really neat. The best part is that we stayed for the Tasmanian devil feeding. We learned more about them and at the end got to "pat" one of them. It is softer and more muscular than you would think.
Rudd feeding a wallaby.
Two Tasmanian Devils
This kangaroo kept bugging Adam for food.

We were able to pat a Tasmanian Devil.
We were all rather tired by the time we got back to the cabin. Dagan and I went down to the water after dinner. We wanted to see what the blowhole looked like. It wasn't high tide, so the water didn't shoot up, but we enjoyed our hike on the rocks.

We are headed to another part of Tasmania tomorrow. It will be fun to explore another place.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Freycinet National Park

Adam and Rudd's favorite picture

 Friday, March 29, 2013

Wineglass Bay
We are at the Wineglass Bay Lookout.
Rudd, Dagan, and Sydney on the path above us.
Sydney and I on the hike up the Hazards.
Is the rock going to fall?
Today we decided to go hiking in Freycinet National Park. We stopped at the visitor center and got some recommendations for hikes. We started with the hardest one. We were headed up the Hazards to Wineglass Bay Lookout. The Hazards are part of of the mountains that are very rocky. It was a tough walk up the mountain. It was steep and had lots of steps. The view at the top was wonderful. We were thinking about walking down to the beach, but decided we didn't want to walk back up the mountain again, so we headed down to the car park.
A sea urchin at Honeymoon Bay.
Rudd and Adam
Honeymoon Bay
We went to Honeymoon Bay next. The view of the Hazards was great and the water was a beautiful sea green. There isn't a sand beach, but large slabs of rock going into the water. We had fun climbing all over them.

View from the lighthouse
We went for lunch next. Then we went out to the lighthouse. There was a walkway surrounding it. We could see part of Wineglass Bay from here. We also could hear the seals out on a group of rocks. As we were heading back, we made our last stop at Sleeping Beach. More rocks and places to climb. Some of the rocks have a reddish color that is really vivid. It was a beautiful place to be for the day.

Sydney exploring.
Dagan loved the rocks!

Rudd and Dagan are on the rocks.

Adam's great ice cream cone

We went back to our cabin. We stopped for some ice cream on the way. The man made a fresh mixture of vanilla and fresh fruit for each of us. Adam's and mine were very lopsided, but all of them tasted good.
View from our cabin

The kids went swimming after dinner. Rudd ended up swimming once Adam pushed him in even though Sydney said he thought the water was cold.

We will be ready for another fun day tomorrow.