Sunday, March 24, 2013


Sunday, March 24, 2013

St. Mary's Cathedral

The boardwalk through the park
Sydney had volleyball training today.  Once she was finished, we headed towards downtown Sydney.  The volleyball team from Oregon University was playing an exhibition match against the NSW invitational team.  We parked near the park across from St. Mary's Cathedral.  It was a beautiful church.   Dagan thought it looked like Hogwarts.  We wandered through the park towards the Anzac Memorial and the university.

Oregon University warming up

The match was being played at one of the universities in Sydney.  We had some lunch along the way.  Dagan saw a burger place that we like.  The kids and I hadn't been here since we were in Brisbane.  We watched the girls warm-up and three of the matches.  It was fun.  The team from Oregon University could really hit the ball. 

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