Saturday, March 9, 2013


Sydney and I going up the chairlift.
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sydney and Dagan on the alpine slide
My turn
Here comes Adam
Today we went Jamberoo Action Park.  This was one of the places that Dagan really wanted to go to while we are here.  It has water rides and an alpine slide.  When we got there, we decided to go on the alpine slide while we were still dry.  It was as fun as I remembered.  We rode the chairlift to the top of the hill.  Then rode the toboggan to the bottom.  They were nice long runs.  This was our favorite part of the park.  We went on it quite a few times.

The Funnel Web
Adam and Sydney in the funnel
Dagan had fun here when Adam and Sydney were in line.
Afterwards, we hit the water rides.  We went on all of them.  They had the Tiapan, two body slides, surf hill, the wave pool, the rock, a lazy river, a water play area for kids, and the funnel web.  All of us went on the last one, but Dagan really didn't like it.  Sydney and Adam went a second time, so I could get some pictures.
Dagan and Sydney in the wave pool.
The kids liked going in the wave pool.  They enjoy the waves and the calm.  It is fun to just swim around without the waves moving you around.
Sydney halfway down.

Dagan jumping off the high rock.
 Besides the alpine slide, all of us liked the Rock.  You could jump from 5 meters or 3 meters and slide down a water slide.  Sydney and Dagan went on all three.  Adam did the large jump.  I took pictures.  It is just too high for me.

Adam jumping.
We had a really nice day.  The waterpark is in the middle of nowhere nestled amongst the hills.  There weren't many steps, but lots of up hill climbs.  It was a pretty setting.

1 comment:

  1. Way too cool! I have never been on an alpine slide before! It does look like LOTS of fun! And hearing about the park...well, it sounds like way more fun than WI Dells...but isn't that the water capital of the world? Okay, maybe just of Wisconsin! Would you believe at dinner Taylor asked what the possibility was of being able to go to Noah's Ark with Sydney and Dagan. Actually, she suggested that the girls head up there early on a Saturday morning while the boys had football. Then the boys could join them when practice was done. Austin added that then he and Dagan could stay a couple hours after the girls went home. Just not sure how they plan on getting up there! Thanks for sharing! Not sure I could have done the jumping into the water. I'd be with you, Kristin and just take pictures!
