Monday, May 20, 2013


 Sunday, May 19, 2013

The dolphins are near the boat.
Sydney & Dagan are off in the distance.
We moved slowly this morning.  After a big breakfast, we went to Kiama.  We wanted to go to the markets.   The craft market is next to the water.  As we were walking through the market, we spotted a pod of dolphins right off shore.  They were fun to watch.  Sydney and I did the most shopping.  We are quite excited about our Ali Babba pants and other clothes.  Adam just rolls his eyes at us.  We don't shop very often, but it was fun today.

Dagan, Dana, JoAnn, & Sydney
Sydney found a good seat.
Dagan sitting above me.
We also went to both blowholes.  The kids walked on the rocks out to the edge.  Adam and I went partway, and Jo Ann and Dana enjoyed the view by the big blowhole.  We had to get back in the car to get to the little blowhole.  We actually liked the little blowhole better because it was easier to see.
3rd pic

1st pic
2nd pic
On our way back to Wollongong, we stopped to see cathedral rocks and at Harvey Norman.  Adam needed something for work.  Everyone was hungry at this point, so we went to our favorite Chinese restaurant before calling it a day.

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