Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Sunday, May 12, 2013
A model of Madam Tussaud

Do you think he could surf for real?
Dagan's ready to race
We headed into Sydney for Mother's Day.  We met our friends in Darling Harbor.  We went to Madame Tussaud's.  It was really fun.  Besides seeing all the different people on display, it was very interactive.  There were props/costumes that visitors could put on to pretend they were a part of the action.  Sydney really got into it.  I had to "convince" Dagan to join in to get a couple of pictures.
Don't you just love this movie?
Dagan could be Mad Max.

Gotta love E.T.
Sydney and Sophie are showing off their moves.
Georgia, Sydney and Sarah
A view of Darling Harbour

A view of the sunset
You can see the bridge and opera house in the background.
After the wax museum, we headed to our favorite German restaurant for lunch.  Then we wandered the open air markets before heading to the Sydney Tower.  The tower provided some great views of Sydney.  It was interesting to see how the water is so much a part of Sydney.  We have ridden on the ferries, but I enjoyed getting a visual of the area.  The sun was setting while we were on the observation deck which was great.

We went back to the train station and headed home.  It was a fun way to spend Mother's Day.  I just wish that I had remembered to take a picture of the two mothers.  We ended up taking the pictures instead of being in them.  Isn't that the way it works?

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