Sunday, July 8, 2012

Abbey Medieval Festival

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The canons were really loud.
We arrived in Brisbane last night.  This morning Adam took us to the Pancake House.  It is housed in this old church.  It is awesome.  Most of the pancakes or crepes are served with ice cream.  Yum!!  Afterwards, we headed to Abbey Medieval Festival a little north of the city.  It was interesting.  We liked the canons, oil wrestling (a little strange), and the jousting.  I think we had more fun people watching.  Half of the crowd was dressed for the occasion. 

Waiting for the next canon blast

The Joust

When we returned to the hotel, the kids decided to go swimming in the pool.  I thought the water might be warm because it is warmer in Brisbane than Wollongong, but I was wrong.  Other people staying at the hotel watched the kids get into the cold pool and just laughed because no one else wanted to swim.  It was much too cold out.  The weather during the day was in the high 60s.

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