Sunday, July 29, 2012

Celebrated our 17th Anniversary in Sydney

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Can't beat seeing the Sydney Opera House on your anniversary!

Can they reach around the trunk?
Some type of cactus
It is our 17th Anniversary!  We decided to spend it in Sydney.  We went to the Royal Botanic Gardens.  The gardens were extensive.  All of us enjoyed looking at the variety of plants and birds.  We ate lunch at a cafe in the garden.  Then we headed to the Opera House.  On the way, we found these rocks that the kids could climb on, under and over.  They were lots of fun.

Sydney crawling under the rocks.

Dagan climbing over the rocks.

The Opera House is on one end of the gardens.  We could see if from a distance along with the bridge when we first entered the gardens.  Now we were right next to it.  It is a really awesome looking building.  Surprisingly the tiles are cream colored not white as I thought they would be.  Someone told Adam that you wouldn't be able to look at it if the tiles were white.   It would be too bright.

Sydney and Dagan on top of the rocks
Sydney pretending to be the statue.
There looked to be a festival across from where we were, so we headed towards it.  It was in a part of the city called "The Rocks".  They were having Aroma Fest.  It was all about coffee.  It was really crowded.  It looked like a neat area of town to explore, but we decided we would come back when there were not quite so many people.

Dagan was thirsty.

It was a great first day in Sydney.  We can't wait to head back another day to explore something else.

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