Monday, July 2, 2012

First Full Week

July 2, 2012 - July 6, 2012

Adam headed to work this week, and the kids and I were on our own.  We went to Crown Mall to do some exploring.  We found an art store, a place to get players/chargers for their iTouches, kitchen gadgets, and more.  We also wandered the local grocery store called Woolworths.  There are some things the same and lots different there.  We have already discovered that you should purchase Australian brands because the American ones we tried just don't taste the same.  It will take some trial and error to figure out which brands are the best.

Most mornings, I spent cleaning the apartment, washing the dishes, and moving things around to meet our needs.  I wanted things in some semblance of order and wanted to be ready for when our air shipment arrives and the rental furniture.  Each afternoon, we went to the beach for some quality ocean time.  The waves can be quite large.  One one end, there is a lighthouse.  There are rocks at that end.  It is a neat spot to explore when the tide is out because there are tidal pools with small fish, crabs, and other wildlife. 
Fun in the big waves

Freighters are a frequent sight here

Lighthouse at the end of the beach

Where is Dagan?

On the 4th of July, we went to see Ice Age 4.  We wanted to do something American.  Adam needs to head to Brisbane and Mackay during the next week for work, so we are going with him.  It will be fun to explore another part of Australia instead of sitting in the apartment without our stuff or him for the week.

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