Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pebbly Beach

Sunday, September 30, 2012

We headed on our vacation today.  We are headed to Narooma.  It is about 3-4 hours from us.  It is amazing how long it takes to get a short distance here.  The roads are very curvey, mostly two lanes, and the speed limit only gets up to about 55 (110km).  Then you go through all the little towns which makes it an even longer trip.  At times, it felt like we had been driving for hours instead of just one.

Adam, Sydney, and Dagan walking on the "shelf."

Adam waiting for our return.
The kids exploring.
To break up the drive, we stopped at Pebbly Beach in Murramarang National Park.  We drove for a few miles on a gravel road to get to the beach.  It was really pretty.  The beach had a "shelf" of sand, so we were able to walk a good ways out into the ocean without getting super wet.  On the north part of the beach, there was a rock face and rocks by the water.  We walked around them to do some exploring.  There were some really cool formations.  We could have spent most of the day there.  You really need to have on shoes because the rocks and shells hurt bare feet.  Next time, we will take our crocs. 
Sydney and Dagan finding smooth rocks to walk on.
Dagan getting close to a kangaroo.
When we headed back to the sand, we saw kangaroos on the beach.  This was one of the reasons we stopped here.  This was the first time we got to see kangaroos in the wild.  The kids walked up pretty close to them.  Fun!
Sydney by the kangaroos

We got back into the car and headed to Narooma.  It took another 40 minutes.  We checked into our hotel, went down to the boardwalk to look for stingrays (no luck), and got some dinner.  We relaxed tonight, but realized the kids needed to be more active today.  They didn't burn enough energy.  We will have to run them hard tomorrow.

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