Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sydney at Karloo Pools

Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Sydney getting into the pool.  It was too cold for one of the girls

Sydney relaxing after her swim.
Sydney with Erin, Elle, and Brianna
Sydney was invited to go bushwalking with some friends from school.  She went to Karloo Pools in the Royal National Park with Erin and her family.  They picked her up in the morning.  Sydney said they hiked to the pool, went swimming, saw an eel, saw a lizard, and saw some parrots.  She thinks we should go back as a family.  After the hike, she went back to their house for a while.  They have a yellow lab.  Sydney enjoyed petting it and playing fetch, but the dog really made her miss Topaz.  
A picture of the lizard

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