Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wollongong Public School Concert

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dagan had a concert at school tonight.  We went early for the barbecue.  We had sausages on white bread.  We've noticed that they use bread for sausages instead of buns.  We can see why because the buns are too big, and you end up eating more bread than anything else.  Dagan ditched us right away.  He joined his friends playing hand ball.  To Adam and I, it looked like four square with a racquetball.  It is really nice to see him fitting in at his school. 

We had to buy tickets for the concert.  We lucked out and got front row seats.  The concert reminded me of the variety show.  There were songs, dances, plays and instrumental acts.  The school has a number of organized groups:  a choir, a dance group, and a group that has learned to play ukeleles.  Each of these groups in addition to some of the classrooms performed at the concert.  Adam, Sydney, and I think Dagan should sign up to learn the ukelele next year.  That looked like fun.

Dagan wouldn't look at me for a picture.
The Batman group pretended to be sneaky.
Dagan's class performed with his Kindergarten buddy class.  It was a play/musical about being a superhero.  Dagan was in the Batman group.  He had fun with it.

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