Thursday, October 4, 2012

Trip Home

Thursday, October 4, 2012

We headed out in the morning.  We swung into Tuross Head to see why everyone turned this way on our way down.  It was pretty and looked more like lakes.  We didn't find any cafes or stores, so we went back to our original plan and drove on to Mogo.  Mogo is a cute town.  We had some breakfast and looked around.  We found a good potter.  We picked up a cool bowl with painted fish. 

The falls we stopped at. 
We got back in the car and decided to take the scenic route that was recommended to Adam.  It was a beautiful drive to the top of the mountains.  Then it became interesting.  We turned onto a 2 lane road to head to Nowra which is on the coast.  About 10 miles in, it turned to a gravel road.  Then in the middle of nowhere it turned to pavement for a mile.  Then back into gravel again.  We ended up driving on this gravel road for close to 120km.  It took forever.  The kids were wanting to know whose great idea this was.  Adam stopped at a falls along the way, so we could stretch our legs.  The falls were not the best, but the view of the valley was good.  It is just fascinating to us that the only road going to Nowra is gravel.  You don't see this in the states when the road is a main one.

We ended up stopping again in Berry for ice cream and to look around.  Sydney and I found a shop that sells yarn, embroidery items, and quilting material.  We will have to take my mom back there when she visits.  I think Sydney would like to place an order for a new sweater.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the fun times of your vacation! I would have loved to have commented on each entry, but I'd be here all day or maybe even night! I will definitely get Taylor and Austin to take a peek at some of the way fun stuff you did! It is just amazing! We miss you all, but are really enjoying your entries!!
