Sunday, October 21, 2012

Wollongong City Surf Life Saving Club

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dagan on a surf board
The kids had surf club again today.  Both weren't very excited about going, but ended up having fun.  It is a lot more work than either of them (or Adam and I) thought it would be.  It is training for the Ironman.  They work really hard for the time that they are there.  We got the kids rashies (swim shirts) and board shorts to match the other kids.  The hats are required.  That way, the water safety patrol can see where they are.  Needless to say, the hats are not Sydney and Dagan's favorite part. 

Sydney is near the read buoy. 
We met at the clubhouse, and both kids ended up going to the harbor for board training.  The waves were a little large to be practicing on the boards on City Beach this morning.   Both kids were happy to be heading over to the harbor.  At the moment, both are getting bruises on their arms from where they rub against the boards as they are paddling, and Sydney has ended up with bruises on her hip bones.  Hopefully, their bodies will toughen up soon. 

Sydney paddling to shore.
Sydney likes jogging on the packed sand.
Sydney's group spent most of the 1 1/2 hours in the water learning how to paddle, to roll under the water and back on the board, to sit on it in open water, and to run into the water from shore and jump onto the board.  When on shore, they jog on the beach and do sprints.

Dagan's group ran relay races.
Dagan's group worked on similar things when he was doing board training.  He is in a larger group, so half went on the boards at a time.  When not on the boards, they are jogging on the beach or doing sprints.  For the last part of his class, they went back to City Beach.  They lined the kids up in the sand.  They all lay down facing towards the starting line, so they can't see where an adult is placing hoses in the sand at the finish line.  When the whistle blows they get up and run to the other end and try to get a piece of hose that is sticking out of the sand.  There is one less than kids in the group.  Kind of like musical chairs. 
Dagan getting ready to race for a hose.  
Besides the physical activities, the kids are learning about the surf.  This is really why we wanted them to be a part of this club.  Not sure this will be our kids favorite part of being in Australia, but it is making them much more comfortable in the ocean.

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