Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wollongong Public School Fete

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The kids had their first surf club this morning.  It went well.  I will  have to take pictures next time.

Dagan doing flips.

Sydney joined in the fun.
"The Storm"
After surf club, we went to Dagan's school for the fete.  There were carnival rides, food, crafters, and performances by dancers and a karate school.  Dagan had a lot of fun.  He joined in with his friends right away.  Sydney went on a few of the rides with Dagan and his friends, too.   Dagan said the Storm ride was the most fun.  He likes to go in circles and get dizzy.  I am glad we came back for his fete.  It was fun to watch him interact and listen to his friends cheer for him when he was jousting.  He has found a good group to hang out with from school.
Dagan won his joust.
The teacups were just about too small for him.

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