Friday, June 28, 2013

Weekend in Basin View

Friday, June 28, 2013 - Monday, July 1, 2013

Sydney caught a big one. Ha!
We went south down the coast to Basin View on the St. George Basin to spend the weekend with some friends at their holiday home.  It had been raining all week, so it was nice to get out of the apartment.  Rod and Lucy were there when we arrived.  Rod told us about how high the water level was due to the amount of rain we had gotten during the week and the damage it has caused.  We hung out until the rest of the girls arrived.  After everyone arrived, the kids played some games before we called it a night.

On Saturday, it was still raining.  Georgia drove Cheryl and I to the store to get food.  Rod worked on his boat, and the rest of the kids played games.  In the afternoon, we were all going a little stir crazy, so we drove around to see the area and stopped in Milton for coffee.  Sydney actually saw a good friend from St. Mary's while we were there.  We watched a movie and played cards until late in the evening.

Sophie fishing at sunset
Sarah holding a fish
Lucy, Dagan, Rod, & Sydney fishing
On Sunday, it finally stopped raining.  We had jaffles for breakfast.  They are toasted sandwiches over a fire.  They were delicious.  We will be buying the pans to make some at home.  Then the kids headed to the water.  Lucy and Dagan went kayaking.  Sydney, Sarah, Sophie, and Dagan walked to the end of the jetty.  The jettys in the area had lots of damage from the water levels being so high.  Most of the top boards on their jetty were missing, so it was a balancing act to get to the end.  Since it was so tricky, the kids and Rod walked around finding boards that had come off and laid them out on the jetty.  This make it easier to get to the end.  Afterwards, Rod got the boat in the water with Adam's help, so they took the kids out fishing.  When they returned, it was dinner time.  Then we played some more cards and watched another movie.  It was another late evening.
a flathead

On Monday, it was a beautiful sunny day.  We had jaffles again for breakfast.  Yum! The kids decided they wanted to go skiing and kneeboarding.  Sarah went first.  Then Dagan, Georgia, and Sydney went.  My kids said it was strange to kneeboard on smooth water that tasted like salt.  After the kids were finished, Rod took Cheryl, Adam and I for a ride around the basin.  It is a large body of water.  One part is connected to the ocean through an inlet.  We didn't travel down that part.  It was really nice to be on water that was smooth.  It reminded us of being Up North.  We headed back to Wollongong around dinner time.  We had a great time with our friends! , 2013

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Luna Park/Bondi Beach

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ferris Wheel with bridge in the background
The Tango
This one wasn't Dagan's favorite.
In Coney Island on a slide
We went into Sydney today.  Dagan has been wanting to go to Luna Park.  It was a little rainy, but we don't have much time left, so we went anyway.  The kids got the wristbands that allowed them to go on all the rides and into the Coney Island Funnyland building.  They went on the ferris wheel first.  Both kids said the view of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House were great from the top.  Then they went on the tango.  Both liked this one.  Afterwards, they went on the bumper cars, but laughed about them again.  In Australia, everyone has to go in the same direction, so no one smashes into each other.  Both would rather smash into each other.  At this point, we convinced Dagan to go on a bigger twirly ride.  He didn't like it very much.  He isn't a huge fan of bigger rides.  Then they went into the Coney Island building.  It is the oldest building at Luna Park.  They went down a couple of slides in potato sacks.  One was really steep.  Sydney said the guy at the top just said to scoot over the edge.  They also went on the turkey trot, barrel of fun and a maze.  When they came out, Sydney went on the ride that went upside down.  She really liked it.  Before heading to out, Dagan went back into Coney Island, and Sydney went on the Rotor.  It reminded me of a ride we used to go on at Great America.  It spins in a circle, and you stick to the wall.  She liked this one, too.
Sydney is in green in the top row
Sydney is stuck to the wall.  It was spinning too fast to get a good picture.

The three of us at The Stuffed Beaver
 Adam decided we needed to go to Bondi Beach on the way home.  This is one place we hadn't been yet.  We drove down to the beach.  There were lots of surfers in the water and rain.  At this point, Dagan decided he was hungry and wanted to find us a place to eat.  We ended up going to The Stuffed Beaver.  It was really good.  We should have found this place earlier.  They had they best burgers.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Toboggan Hill/Camel Rides

Saturday, June 8, 2013
We are ready to ride the toboggan.
Off we go!

Adam & Dana
Up the hill we go!
We left early this morning to head to Port Stephens.  We had a 3+ hour drive.  We found some lunch as we got into town, and then headed to Toboggan Hill.  Sydney, Dagan, Adam, Dana, & I went on the toboggan run.  We rode the toboggan to the top of the hill and zoomed down.  It is lots of fun.  We went four times.  Adam decided to go as fast as he could down the hill.  He ended up crashing twice. You would think that after the first time he went too fast on the curve he wouldn't do the exact same thing on the next run, but of course he had to try it super fast again.  He cut the back of his leg, ripped his sock, and got a huge skid mark on his shorts.  At least, he had fun.  The rest of us had fun, too.

The six of us at the start of the ride.
Adam getting on his noisy camel.
We checked into our hotel and relaxed for a little bit.  Then we went to the sand dunes for our sunset camel ride.  We each got to ride our own camels.  They were sitting on the ground.  We were assigned a camel to ride.  You got on the camel like you would a horse.  Then we were told to lean back when it stood up.  It is a strange sensation.  You feel like you are going to fall off.   We walked through the dunes and up one of the hills.  Stockton dunes are the largest moving dunes in the Southern Hemisphere.  The dune are 20 miles long and about 1 1/2 miles wide at some points.  Our guides said they move constantly.  The camels were one hump camels.  These are dromedaries and live where it is warm.  These camels were wild camels living in Australia at one point.  The camels have really interesting feet.  They have leather pads and toenails that grow like a dogs.  The sand wears them off naturally.  My Camel's name was Ginger; Sydney's was Chester; Dagan's was Wiggy; JoAnn's was Mishna; Dana's was Candy, and Adam's was Colonel something or other.  Adam had the biggest camel.  It was also very noisy when he was trying to get on it.  It made the kids laugh.  Both Sydney and Dagan thought the camels were very soft.  Dagan especially liked the ears.  As the sun set, we walked in and along the ocean.  It was really beautiful.  Adam was last in line.  He said it was funny to watch all the camels move at the same time sideways to avoid the bigger waves.  We were all wondering how it would feel when the camels returned to their sitting positions, so we could dismount.  We were told to lean back as the camel bent its knees.  Again, this is a strange sensation.  JoAnn had a little more trouble.  She almost tumbled head over heels over her camel's head.  Our guide helped her out, so thankfully it went better than it could have.  Overall, it was an enjoyable experience.

We got some Thai food to go and went back to our hotel.  The kids swam after dinner in the nice warm pool.  We all headed to bed early for our big day tomorrow.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Imagine Cruise

Monday, June 10, 2013

One view of the turtle
The turtle starting its dive.
Two of the whales we saw
Sydney & Adam
Adam and I
JoAnn & Dana
My Boys
One of the tails we saw.
We went an another whale watching cruise this morning.  It ended up being a beautiful day.  It was supposed to rain and be cloudy, but was sunny.  We rode out of the bay to the open ocean.  We saw a couple of dolphins on the ride out.  After we got to the open water, Sydney and I saw something in the water.  We couldn't figure out what it was until the boat reached it.  It ended up being a turtle.  We were right next to it.  We saw it dive deep into the water.  Adam and Dagan missed it because they had moved to the back of the boat because Dagan was feeling a little queasy.  After looking at the turtle, Sydney moved to the back, too.  The waves aren't her favorite.  JoAnn and Dana stayed at the front of the boat.  At this point, we started seeing the whales.  We saw heaps of them just like the lady at the information center said we would.  A couple came pretty close to the boat.  None of the whales breached, but we did see a couple of tails.  They are truly amazing creatures.  Dagan still doesn't like these cruises.  Adam and I both asked the men working on the boat if a whale had ever touched the boat just so we could tell Dagan the actual answer.  Both said it has never happened.  A few had swum under the boat, but didn't touch it.   Plus, the boats have to stay 100 meters away from the whales per regulations.  We lucked out and the whales came close to the boat on their own.  JoAnn and Dana got some great views for their first whale watching cruise.
This was the whale that came the closet to the boat.

We went out for lunch after our cruise.  Then we went to find the koalas.  Unfortunately, we didn't have very good luck with this, so we headed for home.  It ended up taking us 5 hours to go 125 miles.
When the drive takes this long, we miss the highways we have at home.  Even with traffic, we would have gotten home 2 hours earlier.  We had great long weekend!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Quad Bikes/Shark & Ray Centre/Sandboarding

 Sunday, June 9, 2013

The six of us by the shipwreck
Dagan, Sydney, & JoAnn getting ready to go.
We had a very busy very fun day.  It started early with our quad bike tour on the sand dunes.  The company drove us out to the dunes and the quad bikes.  We got our helmets, listened to safety instructions, and were off.  We drove all around.  We went up some hills and around some water.  The machines were not super powerful, so we didn't have to worry about anyone getting into trouble.  All six of us had our own quads.  We drove out to the shipwreck of the Sygna.  It was a Norwegian freighter that was washed ashore.  They cut off part of the ship and removed it, but left the stern.  Our guide told us that lots of fish live in the wreck, but so do great white sharks, so people do not scuba around it.  We had a nice ride back to the starting point and got a ride back to our car.  

Next, we were going to go Sandboarding, but it was really crowded at the beach, so we decided to come back later.  We went to two different markets.  At one, JoAnn and Dana got to try the Lions club's steak sandwiches.  These are really good.  We went back to our hotel to get our swimsuits after the market, so we could go to the Shark and Ray Centre.

We are entering the tank with the largest ray.
Dagan feeding a shark.
Sydney getting ready to feed a ray.
This was Dagan's favorite tank.
This shark felt like sandpaper.
Sydney and I feeding the sharks.
Thankfully, there were not many people at the Shark and Ray Centre.  Sydney, Dagan, and I decided to go in with the sharks and stingrays.  We chose to wear the lovely waders.  They were pretty awful, but made it easy for us to get into the water without having to put on a wet suit.  There were large tanks with all sized sharks and rays.  They had a black stingray that was 9 feet long and 600 pounds.  It was huge and came right up to you.  Our last time in that pool, the black ray cuddled Sydney.  It moved almost all the way up to her neck.  Creepy!  The sharks in this tank would swarm us waiting to be fed.  They would even nibble on our waders.  This wasn't Dagan's favorite.   He liked the next big tank that held smaller rays and a few sharks, and the tank with water to our knees.  He had the most fun feeding the sharks and rays in these tanks.  The front tank had a 9 foot shark.  It was just hanging out in the water.  Some of the sharks and rays felt smooth and others felt like sandpaper.  It was really fun to get into the water with these amazing creatures.  

Climbing up the hill
We are ready to go sandboarding!

Sydney and Dagan at the top.

After our shark and ray adventure, we went back to go sandboarding.  We rode the 4wd vehicle out to the hill.  We grabbed our boards.  It was shaped like a snowboard without the boots.  We climbed to the top of the hill and rode down with our hands behind us in the sand.  This helped with balance and  could slow us down.  Dana, Adam, Sydney, Dagan, & I went down.  JoAnn was the photographer.  Adam & Dana decided once was enough.  I went quite a few times.  Sydney went a few more times than me, and Dagan went down the most.  He especially like to crash on purpose at the bottom.  We decided sandboarding is fun, but we all like sledding on snow better.
Dagan crashing
Sydney and Kristin

At this point, we were hungry and went out for dinner.  The kids swam again when we got back to the hotel.  We will be in bed early.  We had a little too much fun today.