Sunday, June 2, 2013

Adam's Birthday spent in Sydney

Sunday, June 2, 2013

They look like they should be in Mary Poppins.
a lorikeet
We went into Sydney for Adam's birthday and to show JoAnn and Dana the city.  It ended up being a rainy day.  It was unfortunate to have to dodge the rain all day, but it kept the crowds away.  We came out of the carpark and looked at the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House.  Then we headed towards The Rocks.  On the way, there were two lorikeets sitting a stand.  We were able to get very close to them and feed them a piece of bread.  They are really beautiful and one of Sydney's favorites.

JoAnn and Dana
Enjoying our dinner
We went in and out of stores and the market for most of the afternoon.  We had fun shopping and avoiding the rain.  Thankfully, it did stop raining for a little while, and we were able to sit by the harbour and enjoy the view.  We had dinner at our favorite German restaurant. 
A view of the sails on the Opera House
King Kong on the side of a building

Sydney under glowing plants

The Opera House
The kids walking under the milky way
A sphere made out of traffic cones
Sydney Harbour Bridge with Luna Park beneath

After dinner, the Viv'd light music show was going to start.  There were different light effects set up in The Rocks and along the path to the Opera House. In addition, the sails of the Opera House were lit up, and some buildings had light shows projected on the side of them.  It ended up being really cool.  Unfortunately, it really starting raining again.  This made things a little difficult, but still fun.  The sails of the Opera House were by far the best part of the event.  The lights changed quickly, and there were a variety of patterns and designs.  If it had been nice, we would have sat and watched the show for a while.
Sydney and Dagan in front of a huge light bulb
Another design on the sails

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