Monday, June 10, 2013

Imagine Cruise

Monday, June 10, 2013

One view of the turtle
The turtle starting its dive.
Two of the whales we saw
Sydney & Adam
Adam and I
JoAnn & Dana
My Boys
One of the tails we saw.
We went an another whale watching cruise this morning.  It ended up being a beautiful day.  It was supposed to rain and be cloudy, but was sunny.  We rode out of the bay to the open ocean.  We saw a couple of dolphins on the ride out.  After we got to the open water, Sydney and I saw something in the water.  We couldn't figure out what it was until the boat reached it.  It ended up being a turtle.  We were right next to it.  We saw it dive deep into the water.  Adam and Dagan missed it because they had moved to the back of the boat because Dagan was feeling a little queasy.  After looking at the turtle, Sydney moved to the back, too.  The waves aren't her favorite.  JoAnn and Dana stayed at the front of the boat.  At this point, we started seeing the whales.  We saw heaps of them just like the lady at the information center said we would.  A couple came pretty close to the boat.  None of the whales breached, but we did see a couple of tails.  They are truly amazing creatures.  Dagan still doesn't like these cruises.  Adam and I both asked the men working on the boat if a whale had ever touched the boat just so we could tell Dagan the actual answer.  Both said it has never happened.  A few had swum under the boat, but didn't touch it.   Plus, the boats have to stay 100 meters away from the whales per regulations.  We lucked out and the whales came close to the boat on their own.  JoAnn and Dana got some great views for their first whale watching cruise.
This was the whale that came the closet to the boat.

We went out for lunch after our cruise.  Then we went to find the koalas.  Unfortunately, we didn't have very good luck with this, so we headed for home.  It ended up taking us 5 hours to go 125 miles.
When the drive takes this long, we miss the highways we have at home.  Even with traffic, we would have gotten home 2 hours earlier.  We had great long weekend!

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