Saturday, June 1, 2013

Fitzroy Falls/Kangaroo Valley

Saturday, June 1, 2013

After the Black Belt Run, Sydney had to be a school for a rehearsal for her big concert at school in a week.  Since she was gone for most of the day, the five of us headed to the Southern Highlands.  The kids wanted JoAnn and Dana to go up Macquarie Pass, the really curvy road.  At the top, we stopped at the old cheese factory that has shops before heading to Fitzroy Falls.
Fitzroy Falls
They are looking at the falls.

You can see the tail feathers easier in this pic.

Dagan kept trying to touch the ceiling above the path.
 The waterfall had lots of water today.  You can tell that it has been raining.  Right next to the lookout platform, there was a lyrebird scratching in the dirt.  It had really beautiful tail feathers.  Dagan wanted it to speak because it can mimic any sound it hears.  He was making quite a few different noises, but the bird wouldn't imitate him.
One view of the Lyrebid

Enjoying our meat pies and the view
The Meat Pie Shop
Next, we were off to get JoAnn and Dana their first meat pies.  Adam and Dagan have been wanting to try the meat pies in Kangaroo Valley.  Dagan had watched a tv show that talked about them when we first got here.  We curved our way done into the valley.  The store was in the middle of this beautiful valley with not much else around.  The sign on the store stated it was established in 1880.  The inside was really quaint.  We tried 5 different types.  Adam and I liked these pies better than all the others we have had.  Dagan likes the ones at Robertson's the best.  He likes lots of gravy. 

We had to follow the same path we took to get here on the way home.  After riding the curvy road to the top and back down for a fourth time, JoAnn, Dagan, & I had had enough.  We were more than ready to get out of the car for a while.

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