Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jervis Bay

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The jet boat we went on.
This morning we checked out of our hotel and headed to Jervis Bay.  We stopped at a bakery for breakfast on the way.  We were going on a jet boat tour of the bay.  It was a neat tour.  It took us around the bay.  We saw lots of dolphins, beautiful beaches, rock formations, waves, and birds.  The boat was moving quickly, but you hardly noticed it.

Sydney is looking down at the dolphin.
Sydney took at great picture of the dolphins in front of the beach.
More dolphins
rugged coastline

There is a rock climber in red starting to rappel down the cliff.

Isn't the hat his style?
Mom walking on the beach.
After our tour, we got some meat pies before heading out to the beach.  One of the beaches on Jervis Bay is in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the whitest sand beach in the world.  The ones next to it are just as white.  We went to one of theses in the Booderee National Park.  We parked next to the path to the beach.  We spent a few hours here.  The water and sand are beautiful.  Even with putting sunscreen on a couple times today, we got a little pink.  Adam unfortunately got the most pink.  The sun reflects off the white sand and the water.  We ventured out to a few other beaches in the park before heading for home. 

My mom and Sydney

It is nice to have someone who can take a family photo for us.
Another family photo

She can't go anywhere without doing some art. 
Can Adam beat her?

Playing monkey in the middle.

We saw a wallaby as we were walking to another beach.

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