Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sugar Cube

Thursday, January 24, 2013

One of our favorite restaurants.

My mom had a peri-peri chicken waffle.
We went out for lunch today at the Sugar Cube.  The kids had taken my parents there last week for waffle pops (waffles on a stick).  They saw they now had savory waffles, so we decided we wanted to give this type a try.  They make it like a calzone with a variety of meat and cheese fillings.  They were pretty good.   My mom and I liked them more than my dad. Sydney had gotten a sweet waffle, and Adam and Dagan decided to go somewhere else.  The savory waffles didn't appeal to them.
Sydney had a waffle with white chocolate and ice cream.

This afternoon, my parents went to the museum in town. They thought it was interesting. I think they are seeing a lot of different types of things while they are here.

1 comment:

  1. The waffles on a stick sound really neat, although I'm not sure I'd like a waffle stuffed with meat and cheese. THe white chocolate one with ice cream sounds delicious! Would you bring one back with you??
