Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sydney, Australia with my parents

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sydney Harbour Bridge
Sydney Opera House
We headed into Sydney today.  We rode on the train.  Adam made two trips to the train station, so none of us had to walk.  We arrived in the Circular Quay after changing trains.  We walked over to the Opera House.  We got some good pictures of it and the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

BJ and Bev with the Opera House in the background
Afterwards, we walked over to The Rocks.  We went to The Lowenbrau Keller.  We had some good German food for lunch.  We left my Dad and Adam there while we walked around the craft market.  My mom found a few things, and the kids found more items to add to their wish list for Australia.

Grandma and Sydney in the shark area.
Grandma and Dagan looking at the stingrays.
Next, we hopped on the ferry to Darling Harbour.  The ferry goes under the Sydney Harbour Bridge, so my parents got more views of the area.  We left my Dad and Adam again, and took my mom to the Sydney Aquarium.  The kids wanted her to see the different types of animals that live in the ocean around Australia.  By the time we finished in the aquarium, the four of us decided we were done for the day.
Riding the ferry back to Circular Quay
 We hopped back on the ferry to Circular Quay and hopped on the train to Town Hall.  We got something to eat and got on another train to Wollongong.  We got home a little after 8:00pm.  We put in a rather long day. 

1 comment:

  1. Grandpa and Grandma look like they are enjoying themselves! So glad that you are able to show off your new location to them! Sure wish we were there too!!!
