Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dale & Gabbie's last day

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dale crossing the water.
The four of us by the waterfall.
Dagan playing in the sand.
Sydney searching for
a good shell.
A family photo
A different view of the water
we crossed.
Kristin & Adam
Today was Dale & Gabbie's last full day in Australia.  We decided to go to the Royal National Park and followed the Grand Pacific Drive south to Wollongong.  Our first stop was the boatshed.  We had a snack and watched the cockatoos steal food off the picnic tables.  Then we went to one of our favorite beaches called Wattamolla.  No one was there, and the weather was sunny and warm.  The cliff where people were jumping in January was now a waterfall.  We followed the path down to the water.  There was so much water that it covered the sand bar, so we had to wade through a shallow part to get from the rocks to the sand.  It was amazing how quick the current was in this small area of water.  It pulled on all of our legs.  We wandered back to the waterfall.  We could see fish in the water.  We think they were trout.  The cormorants were trying to caught them which made the fish jump out of the water.  It was fun to watch.  After looking at the waterfall, we went to the ocean.  Sydney searched for shells, and Dagan dug a hole in the sand.  It was a nice place to sit and enjoy our surroundings.  We waded back through the channel of water and headed to a few lookouts before stopping at the Scarborough Hotel for a drink.  It was a great last day with Dale & Gabbie.
Dale & Gabbie at Bald Hill.

The train to Sydney is in the

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