Sunday, July 21, 2013


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sydney can see the light!
Dagan & Kristin in a kaliedescope
Look we are all taller than Adam!
Dagan loves things like this.
This morning we headed to Questacon.  It is the National Science and Technology Centre.  Dagan's class would be coming here in Term 3, so he wanted to see what it was like since he won't be in Australia for Term 3.  It was a really fun museum with lots of hands on exhibits.  The kids explored the different stations.  The different areas were called galleries.  They had a gallery on the ocean and the creatures found in the deep.  There was a gallery about the weather.  We went into an earthquake house.  It shook a lot.  I'll pass on experiencing one for real.  There was another gallery called Wonderworks.  We had to solve puzzles and figure out how things worked.  Another was on water.  Dagan worked hard to suck the water all the way up the tube that was about two stories high.  Our favorite gallery was called excite.  We played four way air hockey, and Dagan tried beating a robot in air hockey.  He said it was really difficult.
Adam & Dagan were rolling the balls
to see what would happen.
The scarves lit up when going
through the tubes.

Dagan is hanging.

Dagan let go and slid
down the ramp.

Dagan's favorite part of was the free fall.  He put on a special suit, walked to the top, hung on the bar, let go, and then slid to the bottom.  He went 4 times.  Sydney tried it two times.

Sydney is getting started.
It is a little blurry, but you can
see how high Sydney getting.
I am getting ready to go.

Then she went to the swing.  She had to put another special suit with a harness.  After being attached to the swing, it was up to her to try to get it to go up and over in 360 degree motion.  She was really close.  As I watched her, I thought it looked like fun, so I decided to try it.  Sydney told me she was really tired when she got off the swing.  Little did I know.  It really reminded me of being a kid when we stood on the swing and tried to get it to go as high as we could.  After I was strapped in, I got it going pretty quickly.  I actually got it to go all the way over 2 times.  It was a ton of work.  I ran out of steam and couldn't get over a third time.  When I got off the swing, my thighs were really burning, but it was really fun!
Adam got the perfect picture of me upside down.
I stopped a little on the top which was a
strange feeling.
We met up with Bob, Vero, & Madeline for lunch at the old Parliament Building before heading back to Wollongong.  It was great spending our last weekend in Australia with Bob, Vero, Madeline, & Peter.

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