Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sydney with Dale & Gabbie

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Dale and Gabbie looking
at the  skates.
Wrasse fish
I wonder if Dagan got a good picture.
Dugong from above
We went to Sydney today.  We ended up driving because they closed down our train line again.  Frustrating!  We parked under the Opera House, walked to Circular Quay, and hopped on a ferry to Darling Harbour.  We wanted to go to the Sydney Aquarium.  The platypus were swimming today. We always enjoy seeing them because they are just so strange.  We wandered our way through the aquarium.  We saw a cuttlefish, sharks, sawfish, skates, dugong, wrasse, etc.  It is a really good aquarium.  When we were leaving, the line to get into the aquarium was out the door.  Thankfully, we decided to go early.
Gabbie & Dale
Sydney Harbour Bridge and Luna Park
Sydney Opera House at dusk
 We stopped for a snack before hopping the ferry back to Circular Quay and The Rocks, our favorite part of Sydney.  We went to the market.  Sydney and I did some more shopping before getting dinner at Lowenbrau Keller.  We enjoyed meandering our way through the alleyways and looking at the lights of the city on our walk back to the car.  

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