Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hangdog Climbing Gym

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sydney watching her friends climb.

Sydney working her way up the wall.

Dagan climbing the ladder.
Sydney had gotten invited to her first birthday party today.  It was at Hangdog Climbing Gym.  I decided to take her to the party, so I could meet her friends and the parents.  Dagan wanted to rock climb, too.  It is a nice gym.  They don't have auto belays like back home, but they have it set up so you don't have to tie the knots.  The ropes are attached to carabiners, and you just attached them to your climbing belt.  Then the person on the ground worked the rope.  Sydney thought this was fun because it allowed her to practice belaying and participate more when her friends were climbing.  Dagan isn't old enough to belay, so he climbed while I belayed for him.  Dagan and I lasted 2 1/2 hours.  Sydney lasted a little longer and ended up going out for cake with the group afterwards.  It was a nice way to spend the afternoon since Adam left in the morning for meetings in the states.  We will have to go back once Adam returns, so I can give it a try. 

Dagan waiting his turn.

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