Friday, August 17, 2012

Visit with the Whites

Friday, August 17, 2012- Saturday, August 18-2012

Sarah, Georgia, Sydney, Sophie, Lucy, & Dagan
We went to visit the White's today.  We met them at Rod's mom and dad's home.  It was nice to see everyone again.  We had visited with Rod and Cheryl when they were in the states in October, but hadn't seen the girls in 7 years or Rod's parents in 8+ years.  We also met two of Rod's brothers and their families.  It was fun to see our kids jump right in there with their 4 girls.  When we first moved to Wisconsin, they played together all the time.  It is amazing how grown up they all have gotten.  We had a great evening and morning before we headed for home.  It is great being able to see them while we are here. 

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