Sunday, August 5, 2012

Fitzroy Falls

Sunday, August 5, 2012

We went to the Sugar Cube for breakfast.  We had been there before for the waffles on a stick.  Yes it sounds strange, but they are very tasty.  They have waffle meals, too.  All of us got the regular sized breakfast.  That was a mistake.  They are huge.  We needed junior meals.  Adam was the only one to finish because he got a regular waffle with syrup.  The kids and I got ice cream, strawberries and white chocolate with our waffles.  It was really good, but we needed a little more waffle and a lot less sugar!  I think the waffles on the stick will be our favorite. 

Fitzroy Falls

Sydney and Dagan at one of the lookouts

Adam and I with the falls way behind us

Fitzroy Falls and two others from Twin Falls lookout point

Dagan and I under a rock face
Sydney and Adam by a creek
We decided to go bushwalking (hiking) today after our big breakfast.  We needed to burn off all that sugar.  We went up the mountains to Fitzroy Falls.  It was really pretty.  They are in Morton National Forest.  The escarpment is very steep.  The falls drop 80 meters to the floor of the valley below.  We walked to all the lookout points and saw a few more smaller waterfalls along the way.  It was a nice afternoon. 

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