Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sea Shipment Arrives

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Some of the boxes
Piles left after emptying the boxes
The movers arrived bright and early.  I walked the kids to school and came back to boxes in the apartment.  It took them about 2 hours to bring up the boxes.  One of the movers put together our bikes and put our golf clubs, skateboards, and other outdoor toys in our storage area.  The other mover brought up the boxes and helped unpack.  They took all the empty boxes/garbage away with them.  I was very glad.  I just forgot to have them take away the ones I had in storage from the air shipment.  Oh well.  The kids were bummed that they had to go to school because they wanted to stay home and help.  Unpacking the boxes kind of feels like Christmas.  You forget what you decided to bring in the first place.

Thankfully we have a room for our crafts.
I realized after unpacking the boxes that most of it was Sydney and my craft stuff.  We will be very busy.  I actually can't wait to get started.  It will take a little while to organize it, but I am just glad it is here.  Adam was excited to get his clothes.  He had packed only a suitcase full and is ready for some other shirts since he has been wearing the same ones for 2 months.  He is such a good sport!! 
Adam's shirts and other clothes
We are going to get out our bikes this weekend.  The bike path is right across the street from us.  We are also going to play golf.  The golf course is also right across the street from us.  It makes things very easy. 

It only took 9 weeks and 3 days to get the sea shipment.  I wonder how long it will take on the trip home.

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