Monday, April 15, 2013


Monday, April 15, 2013

Adam, Dagan, and I headed for Albury this morning. We sent Sydney on the bus with her volleyball team yesterday, so we could spend the day with Rudd before taking him to the airport. It took 5 hours to get here. The terrain doesn't change a whole lot. The biggest difference we noticed were at some places the large hills/mountains were bare with only a few trees and large rocks. A few times the land flattened off, but for the most part there were hills and valleys.

A mother peacock and her baby
Three male peacocks near Sydney's cabin
We went to the Albury Sports Center. Unfortunately, we missed the games today. The game we did make it for was the one where they had duty, so we decided to head to the hotel. We are staying in a cabin. There are quite a few.  It looks like a mini subdivision. There were peacocks roaming around.  It seemed a strange place for them, but they were fun to watch.  Sydney's team is staying here, too. Her cabin is diagonal to ours. We want Sydney to hang with her team, so we aren't spending all our time with her.

We saw the sign and just had to go.
We went to town for dinner. As we were looking to see what was around, we saw a Mexican place called Taco Bills. We decided we had to go. The restaurant felt like ones we would go to at home. It was by far the best Mexican restaurant we have been to in Australia. They even were playing one of Adam's favorite groups Chingon. He was rather excited. It is too bad it is 5 hours away from Wollongong.

We went back to the cabin afterwards, and we went to the game room to play some Galaga, Ms. Pacman, Donkey Kong, etc. It was fun to play some old school games.

Tomorrow, we get to watch at least one volleyball game, and the three of us will do some exploring.

1 comment:

  1. Love the peacocks! I've never seen a baby one before! So, Dagan, with Sydney staying with her team, did you get lonely???
