Monday, April 1, 2013

The Nut

Monday, April1, 2013

"The Nut"
View from the chairlift
We had a quieter day. Our bodies needed to recover from our canyoning adventure. We slept in and decided to go out for a late breakfast in the next town called Stanley. We ate at Moby Dick's. It was one if the best breakfasts we've had in a long time. Then we decided to go to the top of the nut. The Nut is a huge rock that juts out into the ocean. The town is surrounded by farmland, so it is really strange to see this monster rock. We found out it was part of a volcano.  It is the actual core or Lava Lake that was the centre of the volcano.

Rudd on the way up
Adam and I on the way down
We decided to ride the chairlift to the top.  None of us we up to walking up it.  When we got to the top, we could see a storm rolling in off the ocean. We walked to the first look out point and decided to turn around and go back down. We didn't have the right gear with us and didn't want to get soaked.  It is too bad because I think the views would have been great since the rock provided a 360 degree view of the area.

We tried to go to one other Turkine Forest Adventures afterwards, but it was closed due to unfortunate circumstances. What?  We went back to our hotel and went swimming all afternoon, and then watched a movie. It was a good relaxing day.  Just what we needed.

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