Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Albury/Hume Dam/Volleyball/Army Museum

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hume Dam
Hume Lake
Sydney's first game was at noon, so the three of us had breakfast and then did a little exploring. We went over the the Hume Dam. When it was completed in 1913 it was one of the largest in the world. Hume Lake is a reservoir. It is larger than it appears. It is hard to get an idea of its size because the land surrounding it is large hills without many trees.

The cows crossing the road.
We headed into town next. On the way, we had to wait for cows to cross the road. We are city enough that watching cows cross the road made us laugh and take pictures. We had a few errands to run in town and went to the city gallery.  It was ok. I was hoping it would have been better.

Sydney showing us a good set.
She is getting ready to receive the serve.
Then it was time to head to Sydney's game. Her team played well. They won three games. The first and last were close. They won by 2 points. Sydney did well setting and serving. She is getting her hands on the ball just about every time even when the ball is not passed directly to her. She said they had duty 2 times today. One was after her game.

This was the only vehicle you could get in.

You can find a Harley everywhere.

Does he look like he is enjoying this?
We decided to head out. We went back to our cabin for lunch, and then we went to the Army Museum. It was really large and very interesting. We didn't know what to expect, but were impressed. Dagan really liked all the vehicles and big guns. It was a good way to spend the afternoon.

Tonight was the team dinner. We met them at the Commercial Club. They have these in every town. It was huge. We ate a buffet dinner, and it was rather inexpensive compared to going to a regular restaurant for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Love the cows?!? You don't even see those crossing the road around here, although where I grew up, we had a cow (maybe it was a bull) in our backyard one Sunday afternoon when my dad was grilling steaks. I was probably Dagan's age or a little younger and I was convinced that the cow (or bull) smelled the steaks and thought it was their relative! Dagan, I'm a little nervous at how well you handle those guns! I'd say you enjoyed yourself!
