Thursday, April 25, 2013

Central Deborah Gold Mine

Thursday, April 25, 2013

We got kitted out in our mining gear.
Don't they look enthralled?
Dagan running the drill.
Sydney running the drill.
I got to run the drill, too.
We started the drive home today. We went 2+ hours to Bendigo to go on an adventure gold mine tour. Our guide was great. We learned lots about the mine and gold mining in the 1880's. It closed down mining in the 1950's. Now visitors get to go down into it to see what the life of a miner was like. We went down an elevator to the 2nd level. We wandered around the tunnels. He showed us the quartz laminate which is where the gold is found. You can't find gold in the grey rock only the white quartz in this area. We went down 6 ladders to get to level 3. We ended up 210 feet below ground.  The guide had a great time with our accents especially Sydney when we were on the ladders.  You had to say clear when you were off, so the next person would know when to go.  We must say it differently because everytime Sydney said clear he would say it really funny.  It made us laugh.  At the end of the tour, we were served a Cornish teddy oggie or pasty.  Half of it was filled with meat and potatoes and the other half was filled with apple pie.  It had sugar on the outside of one half, so you knew which one was sweet. It was delicious. Adam thinks I should learn how to make these.

a picture of the moon
After our tour, we headed down the road. We tried stopping in Albury where Sydney's volleyball tournament was held to get the great Mexican, but it was closed, so we continued onto Wagga Wagga. The moon was starting to come out at this point.  It was huge.  The kids said I had to get a picture. 

We ended up driving over 7 hours today. We got some dinner, headed to our hotel, and watched a movie before going to bed. 

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