Friday, April 19, 2013

Melbourne Museum/Laneways/Federation Square

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Museum had "artsy" displays
Sydney is in the ant display.
Animals on display
We went to the Melbourne Museum this morning. It had some interesting displays. One of the most interesting was the area with the stuffed animals. There were computers with cameras aimed at them. When you touched the animal on the computer screen, it provided the name and a description. It was very interactive. We also liked the insects, ocean, and rock displays.

Dagan was looking at all the animals using the computer.

Dagan liked this painting.

Some of the graffiti
More graffiti
Cool elephant
Federation Square
We went back to the hotel for some lunch. Then Adam wanted us to find the different Laneways in the city. They have showcased their alleyways with graffiti art, cafes, shops, and restaurants. Some were done better than others, but we had fun zigzagging our way around Melbourne. We ended up at Federation Square.  This is a city block where the citizens of the city meet. The buildings were very interesting.

We made the big screen in Federation Square.
A different view of the buildings
For dinner, we decided to try something different. We went for Korean at Gami. This restaurant specialized in Korean style fried chicken. We got the original and sweet soy garlic. Both were really good. I decided we needed to try something else, too, so I ordered something the waitress recommended. It ended up being super spicy. It was really good, but the spiciness eventually got to both Adam and me and both kids decided to pass on even trying it.

We got some gelato on the way back to the hotel. Adam and I tried the durian. This is that fruit that has the horrible smell.  The taste probably would have been ok, but the smell was really bad. Then we called it a night. We played some cards and watched some tv before heading to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Wow the graffiti looks more like and outdoor art museum! Amazing!
